is a global and diverse community of women, gender non-conforming people and allies in the music industry.
We take pride in having curated a safe and authentic space of like-minded individuals who celebrate each other’s diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Our members have been carefully curated to ensure everyone shares our values and ethos, and actively participates in the community. We welcome discussions that challenge conventional wisdom so long as they are aligned with our values and mission statement. Please take a few minutes to get familiar with our manifesto.
Our community guidelines are designed to ensure that everyone can participate in our community with respect, kindness and thoughtfulness. Your commitment as a member is to help keep as valuable, authentic and safe as possible. We ask that all members follow these guidelines when interacting with other members of our community.
We expect our members to offer something to our community before asking for something, whether that be industry advice, a discount/promo code, opportunities, or simply showing support to other members.
To be a member of, these should be values that you too align with. To understand more about diversity and inclusivity, please take a look at our Intersectionality Style Guide.
Be supportive. Encourage and support your fellow members. No one here is looking for criticism, cynicism, or judgement. (We can get those things on the rest of the Internet). We are all here to have meaningful conversations, even if sometimes they are uncomfortable or challenge our existing beliefs.
Your stories and experiences may be exactly what another member needs to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity.
We’re here to push each other forward and lift each other up. Find ways to help each other think bigger, reframe challenges, and stay curious.
Our community is here to help you grow, professionally and personally. We are all at different stages of our growth and mistakes are possible along the way. That’s okay, and we encourage our members to respond with patience and kindness. Please note, that we do have a very strict policy in place for spam, excessive self-promotion, harassment and trolling.
If you encounter any inappropriate behaviour or have any concerns about the community guidelines, please report it to the team. We will investigate any reports and take appropriate action.